Our Town


Primary characters

  • Stage Manager – A narrator, commentator, and guide through Grover's Corners. He joins in the action of the play periodically, as the minister at the wedding, the soda shop owner, a local townsman, etc., and speaks directly to Emily after her death.
  • Emily Webb – One of the main characters; we follow her from a precocious young girl through her wedding to George Gibbs and her early death.
  • George Gibbs – The other main character; the boy next door, a kind but irresponsible teenager who matures over time and becomes a responsible husband, father, and farmer.
  • Frank Gibbs – George's father, the town Doctor.
  • Julia (Hersey) Gibbs –George's mother. She dreams of going to Paris but doesn't get there. She saved $350 for the trip from the sale of an antique furniture piece but willed it to George and Emily. Dies while visiting her daughter in Ohio.
  • Charles Webb – Emily's and Wally's father, Editor of the Grover's Corners Sentinel.
  • Myrtle Webb – Emily's and Wally's mother.

Secondary characters

  • Joe and Si Crowell – Local paperboys. Joe's intelligence earns him a full scholarship to MIT where he graduates at the top of his class. His promise will be cut short on the fields of France during World War I, according to the Stage Manager. Both he and his brother Si hold marriage in high disdain.
  • Simon Stimson – The choir director and church organist. We never learn the specific cause of his alcoholism and suicide, although Joe Stoddard, the undertaker, observes that "He's seen a peck of troubles." He remains bitter and cynical even beyond the grave. Some critics interpret Simon as a closeted homosexual.[3][4]
  • Howie Newsome – The milkman, a fixture of Grover's Corners.
  • Rebecca Gibbs – George's younger sister. Later elopes with a traveling salesman and settles in Ohio.
  • Wallace "Wally" Webb – Emily's younger brother. Died of a burst appendix on a Boy Scout camping trip.
  • Professor Willard – A rather long-winded lecturer.
  • Woman in the Balcony – Attendee of Editor Webb's political and social report – concerned with temperance.
  • Belligerent Man at Back of Auditorium – Attendee of Editor Webb's political and social report – concerned with social justice.
  • Lady in a Box – Attendee of Editor Webb's political and social report – concerned with culture and beauty.
  • Mrs. Louella Soames – A gossipy townswoman and member of the choir.
  • Constable Bill Warren – The policeman.
  • Three Baseball Players – Who mock George at the wedding.
  • Joe Stoddard – The undertaker.
  • Sam Craig – A nephew of Mrs Gibbs who left town to seek his fortune. He came back after 12 years in Buffalo for Emily's funeral.
  • Man from among the Dead
  • Woman from among the Dead
  • Mr. Carter (Dead)
  • Farmer McCarty
  • Bessie – Howie Newsome's horse, visible to the characters, but not the audience.

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