The Dressmaker (Novel) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Discuss the consequences of hatred and vengeance as explored in the book.

    When Tilly returns to Dungatar from abroad, the residents are not happy with her. People of Dungatar hate Tilly because she was accused of killing a fellow school child. No one, save for Teddy, wants to be associated with her. The hatred by townspeople is intense that she finds her name omitted on the list of those attending the ball. Additionally, the town’s councilor, Evan Pettyman, brushes her off while trying to enter the ballroom. The hatred compels Tilly to take revenge against Dungatar. Tilly burns the whole town and takes off with the insurance money. Hatred can fuel vengeance. Therefore, people should not hate one another.

  2. 2

    Explain why the people of Dungatar sent Tilly Dunnage away at the age of ten.

    The people of Dungatar sent Tilly Dunnage away because he was accused of killing fellow student Stewart Pettyman. Stewart Pettyman used to bully Tilly. However, one day, Stewart ran towards Tilly to hit her. Tilly dodged him sensibly. Unfortunately, Stewart hit the wall breaking his neck there by then. After the incident, he died instantly. The people of Dungatar were not mesmerized and decided to send Tilly away. She was taken to another school.

  3. 3

    How is the power of love displayed throughout the book?

    Rosalie Ham shows that love has power through the relationship of Tilly and Teddy. Teddy falls in love with Tilly regardless of what the people of Dungatar say about her. Tilly finds herself being hated due to the murder that she did not commit. However, Teddy stands by her during this difficult time. The power of love is also shown through Gertrude Pratt and William Beaumont. Although William’s mother detests Gertrude, love drives Gertrude to marry William.

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