Return of the Native

In popular culture

  • Monty Python's 1973 record, Matching Tie and Handkerchief, includes a piece called "Novel Writing". In the sketch, a crowd gathers to watch Thomas Hardy begin his latest novel while enthusiastic sports announcers provide a running commentary. The novel is The Return of the Native.
  • In the early 1970s, Granada Television produced a half-hour documentary in its "Parade" art series entitled Egdon Heath in which an actor portraying Gustav Holst walks across the barren heath while the music from his tone poem Egdon Heath is playing, and sees scenes and characters from the novel which inspired the music.
  • In J. D. Salinger's 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye this novel is mentioned by Holden Caulfield. Caulfield singles out the character, Eustacia Vye, a wild-spirited and confident woman, who is portrayed as an outsider in the community. Holden indicates that he likes a book that makes you feel as if the author is a friend that you could call. He adds that he’d like to call Thomas Hardy, and also that he likes “that Eustacia Vye.” Later he wonders what a nun would think of her.[11]
  • In 1993, the English traditional singer Johnny Collins recorded Diggery Venn the Raddle Man (sic) on his album Pedlar of Songs.
  • In 1994, the Seattle band Thrones released a single entitled "Reddleman".
  • Kansas band The Rainmakers released a song called "Reddleman Coming".
  • The indie band Nightmare of You's 2009 CD Infomaniac contains a song called "Eustacia Vye".
  • Musician Patrick Wolf's song "House" references the novel.
  • The novel is referenced in the 2014 dark thriller Kill Your Darlings.
  • English fast punk band Flat Back Four have a song called "The Return of the Native", based on the novel.

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