Nick and Charlie Characters

Nick and Charlie Character List


Nick is one of the protagonists, and he is finalizing his final year in high school. Nick and Charlie are a couple, but their future is threatened when he receives an invitation letter to join Leeds University. Nick is worried that the long distance between Charlie and him will break up their relationship.


Charlie is the school's Head Boy and is in grade 12. Charlie is married to Nick, a fellow student in the same school but in grade 13. The couple has been living together for the last two years, and everyone knows it is indivisible. Charlie's fear makes him drink alcohol heavily at Harry's party, and he breaks up with Nick.


Ele is one of the students graduating from high school and is expected to proceed to the university. Ele and Tao are a couple, but they have broken up due to the anticipation that they will head to different universities.


Tao is a couple with Ele. Tao is concerned that their relationship will not stand if they are separated. When Tao meets Charlie, he tells him that he is ready to try a long-distance relationship with Ele, but he is certain it will not work.


Aled is a colleague of Nick and Charlie. When Aled learns Nick will be traveling to join Leeds University, Aled tells Charlie that their relationship cannot work because Ele and Tao have broken up over the same issue.

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