
Main characters

  • Felix Phillips: Director seeking revenge, stand in for the character of Prospero.
  • Miranda: The deceased daughter of Felix.
  • Nadia: The deceased wife of Felix, mother of Miranda.
  • Tony (Anthony Price) : Traitor to Felix, replaces him as artistic director.
  • Sal O'Nally: Heritage Minister and long-time rival of Felix's.
  • Lonnie Gordon: Chairman of the Festival Board.
  • Maude and Bert: Felix's landlords.
  • Mr. Duke: Alias used by Felix
  • Estelle: Professor at Guelph University, hires Felix for the prison position and knows his real identity.
  • Anne-Marie Greenland: Wild, one time gymnast and dancer, cast in Felix's unfinished production, cast once again as Miranda
  • 8Handz: A hacker, plays Ariel
  • WonderBoy: A charming con-artist, plays Ferdinand
  • Bent Pencil: A "warped" accountant, plays Gonzalo
  • Red Coyote: Indigenous inmate and actor
  • Snake Eye: "Ponzi schemer" and property fraudster, plays Antonio
  • Shiv: Allegedly connected to a Somali drug-gang
  • Leggs: In prison for assault and breaking and entering
  • Freddie: Son of Sal, falls in love with Anne-Marie and becomes assistant director to Felix

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