Aristotle's Metaphysics


  1. ^ sometimes referred to as Wisdom, sometimes as , and sometimes as Theology
  2. ^ μετὰ τὰ φυσικά
  3. ^ τὰ περὶ τῆς πρώτης φιλοσοφίας e.g., in Movement of Animals 700b9
  4. ^ He called the study of nature or natural philosophy "second philosophy"[4]
  5. ^ The second book was given the title "little alpha," apparently because it appears to have nothing to do with the other books (and, very early, it was supposed not to have been written by Aristotle) or, although this is less likely, because of its shortness. This, then, disrupts the correspondence of letters to numbers, as book 2 is little alpha, book 3 is beta, and so on.
  6. ^ 1025b27
  7. ^ Chapter 4-12
  8. ^ Chapter 13-15
  9. ^ Chapter 17
  10. ^ δύναμις, dunamis
  11. ^ 1046a9
  12. ^ probably the Kitab al-huruf, ed. by Muhsin Mahdi as Alfarabi's Book of Letters (Beyrouth, 1969)

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