College Application Essays accepted by California State University - Fullerton

California State University - Fullerton

Tell us an accomplishment, talent, or quality about yourself. What about this accomplishment or quality relates to who you are today?

“State Champions.”

Those are two words any competitor would like to hear, and I had the privilege and honor of...

California State University - Fullerton

Tell us about the world you came from and how this world shaped your dreams and aspirations.

I believe in the woman who was both my mother and my father throughout my life. My father was an alcoholic, violent man with no job, goals, ethics, or...

California State University - Fullerton

Jessie trotted, dust plumes lifting around his hooves. I gripped the saddle’s hold bar, securing Jaidyn to the saddle with my forearm and keeping her feet in the stirrups. She flailed her arms, hurling the plastic red cup from her hand. It landed...

California State University - Fullerton

This was it, the moment of truth. All that was going through my head was, “Please don’t forget your lines, please don’t sing a wrong note, please don’t mess up; so many people are watching you.” I felt like my heart was going to pop out of my...