Anne of Green Gables

Publication history

Anne of Green Gables was first published by L.C. Page & Co. of Boston on June 13, 1908.[18] The book quickly became a best-seller, selling over 19,000 copies in the first five months. Since then, over 50 million copies have been sold worldwide.[19] A full scan of the first edition, first impression is provided by the L. M. Montgomery Institute.

Montgomery's original manuscript is preserved by the Confederation Centre of the Arts, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Since 2022, the Centre has hosted a project in which digital images of the entire manuscript can be examined online. A transcript of the manuscript was published by Nimbus Publishing in 2019.

Montgomery's original typescript and the corrected proofs are lost.[20]

The first edition has errors in the text. Critical editions will identify corrections that have been applied to the text by the editor. The choice of corrections depends on the editor, and varies across editions. As an example, the Penguin Classics edition,[21] edited by Benjamin Lefebvre, lists the following corrections:

Penguin Classics: Corrections to the 1st edition of Anne of Green Gables
Chapter Page Text With Link Description
TOC vii Mrs. Rachael Lynde Is Surprised Change to Rachel, to match the body of the text
TOC vii Mrs. Rachael Lynde Is Properly Horrified Change to Rachel, to match the body of the text
1 3 people called “Rachel Lynde’s husband—was Add close-quote, after husband
1 8 Barnado boy Misspelled, should be Barnardo
8 82 anl then studied diligently Misspelled, should be and then
16 169 to forget, said Anne Missing end-quote after forget
17 187 Ella May Macpherson Capitalize to MacPherson
20 231 resent the license Change to repent
25 272 it is much as he did Change to it is as much as he did
30 335 must win. because it Change to comma must win, because it
30 335 tucked ‘Ben-Hur’ between Change to Ben Hur, to make consistent
32 365 Spurgeon stayed resolutely away Add period after away.
35 398 professor Tremaine Capitalize to Professor Tremaine
38 426 told her Thomas that night. Change period to colon that night:

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