American Gods


The book won the 2002 Hugo, Nebula, Locus,[1] SFX and Bram Stoker Awards, all for Best Novel, and likewise received nominations for the 2001 BSFA Award,[18] as well as the 2002 World Fantasy,[1] International Horror Guild and Mythopoeic, and British Fantasy[1] awards. It won the 2003 Geffen Award.

In May 2010, American Gods was selected in an online poll to be the first "One Book One Twitter" book.[19] In 2014, when the television show adaptation was announced, author Abraham Riesman criticized the move as being a "bad idea", highlighting the aspects of the book that did not age well or were offensive to some cultures.[20] Beyond this, academics have claimed the work has ontological and epistemic implications,[21] and, as part of the body of Gaiman's work, explored the appropriative style.[22]

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