Zombieland (2009 Film)


Two months since a strain of mad cow disease mutated to become infectious to humans and turn them into zombies, survivors of the epidemic are advised to use their city of origin as nicknames when meeting other survivors, so as to not get too attached to them and protect themselves. Columbus, a former college student with a unique set of zombie survival rules, travels from Austin, Texas, towards Columbus, Ohio, to search for his parents. On the way, he meets Tallahassee, who somewhat reluctantly agrees to give Columbus a ride towards Ohio. On the way, he mentions to Columbus that he misses his puppy, Buck, who was killed by zombies.

The pair meet con artist sisters Wichita and Little Rock, who trick Tallahassee and Columbus and steal their weapons and Escalade after Little Rock feigns being bitten by a zombie. The two men find a yellow Hummer H2 loaded with weapons and continue on before running into another trap set by the girls, who take them hostage. Tallahassee steals his gun back and has a stand-off with Wichita, until Columbus intervenes saying that they have bigger problems to worry about, resulting in an uneasy truce between them.

The sisters reveal they are going to the Pacific Playland amusement park in Los Angeles, an area supposedly free of zombies. After learning his hometown has been destroyed, and his parents likely killed, Columbus and Tallahassee decide to accompany them to the amusement park. When the group reach Hollywood, Tallahassee directs them to Bill Murray's house. Tallahassee and Wichita meet Murray, uninfected and disguised as a zombie, and they play a prank on Columbus and Little Rock by having him pretend to be a zombie, only for Columbus to accidentally kill Murray. Columbus soon realizes that "Buck" was actually Tallahassee's son, who got infected and died as a result.

Despite Wichita and Columbus falling for each other, Wichita abruptly leaves with Little Rock for Pacific Playland the next morning. Columbus decides to go after Wichita and convinces Tallahassee to join him. At Pacific Playland, the sisters activate all the rides and lights, only to unwittingly draw the attention of a multitude of zombies in the area. They become trapped on a drop tower ride as Tallahassee and Columbus arrive. Tallahassee lures the zombies to a game booth and kills several as Columbus heads to the drop tower; he evades and shoots through a horde and safely helps the girls down. Wichita kisses Columbus and reveals her real name: Krista. The group then leave Pacific Playland.

The rules

A running gag (and a central theme throughout the film) is the list of rules Columbus comes up with for surviving in the zombie-infested world. By the end of the film, his list has 33 rules, yet only a few are mentioned. A series of promotional videos starring Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg expanded on the list presented in the film.[5][6]

  1. "Cardio"[7][8]
  2. "Double tap"[9] ("Ziploc bags" in a deleted scene, Zombieland: Double Tap added it as rule 23.)[6][10]
  3. "Beware of bathrooms"[9]
  4. "Seatbelts"[9]
  5. "No attachments"[11]
  6. "Cast iron skillet"[7][12][13]
  7. "Travel light"[9]
  8. "Get a kick-ass partner"[6]
  9. "With your bare hands"[11]
  10. "Don't swing low"[11]
  11. "Use your foot"[11]
  12. "Bounty paper towels"[14]
  13. "Shake it off"[11]
  14. "Always carry a change of underwear"[11]
  15. "Bowling ball"[15]
  16. "Opportunity knocks"[11]
  17. "Don't be a hero"; Columbus later changes the rule to "Be a hero" at the amusement park, after facing his greatest fear (a clown-zombie) to help Wichita and Little Rock.[9]
  18. "Limber up"[9]
  19. "Break it up"[11]
  20. "It's a marathon, not a sprint, unless it's a sprint, then sprint"[11]
  21. "Avoid strip clubs"[6]
  22. "When in doubt, know your way out"[9]
  23. "Use your thumbs"[11]
  24. "Shoot first"[11]
  25. "A little sunscreen never hurt anybody"[11]
  26. "Incoming!"[11]
  27. "Double-knot your shoes"[11]
  28. "The buddy system"[16]
  29. "Pack your stain stick"[11]
  30. "Check the back seat"[9][17]
  31. "Enjoy the little things"[9][18]
  32. "Swiss army knife"[19]
  33. "Clean socks"[13]
  34. "Hygiene"[13]
  35. "Always have backup"[13]

Wichita and Little Rock have their own rule: "Trust no one. Just you and me."

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