Zahrah the Windseeker Characters

Zahrah the Windseeker Character List

Zharah Tsami

Zharah is the central character, and she is 13 years old. The young girl was born with unique features, including the vines that grow in her hair. The vines are called "dada," which means she is a witch. At school, students bully and ridicule Zharah because she is a witch. However, Zhara is an innocent girl who lives with her parents, and she does not comprehend why the children around her feel insecure.

Her close friend Dari is the only person who does not look down upon Zharah at school. When a snake accidentally bites Dari, she goes into a coma, and the only way of restoring her life is by using an unfertilized Elgort egg. However, getting such an egg is a dangerous task, but Zharah is ready to take the risk because she values Dari.


Dari is the only person who loves Zharah unconditionally and is always ready to do anything in her defense. Dari is a daring girl who takes risks to explore forbidden areas. When she learns about the green jungle, she sneaks to explore the new venture, but unfortunately, she is beaten by a snake and goes into a comma. Zharah is ready to do everything within her power to save Dari. According to doctors, the only cure for Dari is an unfertilized egg of an alligator. Zharah is on a mission to find the egg and bring it to save her only friend.


Nsibidi is a mysterious character and an expert in wind-seeking. She operates in the dark market, where she mentors girls like Zharah to use their inborn abilities to change the world. Nsibidi trains Zharah on how to use her powers to fly. Unlike Zharah, Nsibidi is mixed-race because she was born on earth.

The Frog

Besides being rude, the Frog is an important partner in the novel because he plays a critical role in helping Zarah locate the unfertilized Elgort egg used to heal Dari. The Frog is curious and has all the answers to any question.


Obax is the supreme leader in a town where technology is not allowed. When Zharah finds herself in the town, Obax accommodates and gives her everything she needs to survive.

Papa Grip

Papa, the chief where Zharah hails from, always reminds her to be a good girl who observes laws and respects the people around her. Sarah knows that she is powerful, but she lives according to the rules of the town where she resides.

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