Warm Bodies Irony

Warm Bodies Irony

Irony of Forgotten Names

R elucidates, “But it does make me sad that we’ve forgotten our names. Out of everything, this seems to me the most tragic. I miss my own and I mourn for everyone else’s, because I’d like to love them, but I don’t know who they are.” R discriminates that he is a zombie, this acknowledgement upholds that his remembrance has not been unreservedly scrapped. Accordingly, R would have recollected his name naturally, considering that names are rudimentary markers that are utilized when ascertaining individuals.

Julie’s Grigio’s Pain

While on a ‘field trip’, Perry Kelvin observes, “ I don’t know the pain she’s speaking from, but I know it’s deep. It makes her hard and yet so terribly soft.” Perry makes this observation after Julie Grigio contends, ‘‘You haven’t been here long enough. You grew up in a safe place. You don’t understand the dangers.” Julie’s assertion renders Perry Kelvin untested in pain, yet Perry grasps that he has sustained agony that is distinctive to him which would segregate him. Perry’s explication of Julie’s pain is ironic for ‘hardness and softness’ are totally mutually exclusive; pain cannot synchronously elicit ‘softness and hardness’. The irony accentuates the margin of Julie’s pain which springs from her idiosyncratic acquaintance.

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