Unaccustomed Earth Characters

Unaccustomed Earth Character List


Ruma's decision to stay at home to care for the house and her son, Akash, is the subject matter of "Unaccustomed Earth," the first story in the collection.

Pranab Chakraborty

An MIT grad student whose homesickness is alleviated by his participation with a local family of the same heritage, or at least a similar heritage. His story is told in "Hell-Heaven."


Amit's wife Megan is catching onto the fact that Amit's friend, Pam, might have been more than a friend, but ultimately, they work through it, somewhat, and end up having sex. This occurs in the story, "A Choice of Accommodation."

Sudha and Rahul

Sudha is a successful person, but her little brother Rahul is kind of a failure and definitely an alcoholic. "Only Goodness" is the story of the decay of their relationship as Rahul loses control of his alcoholism and mental health issues.


Sang is a beautiful woman and the protagonist of "Nobody's Business." Her boyfriend is cheating on her, and she finds out that her roommate Paul already knew, but eventually, they work through that conflict. The boyfriend chooses the mistress over Sang.


The subject of Part Two of the collection, along with Kaushik. Her story begins as her friendship with Kaushik fades away. Eventually she considers leaving her fiancé to be with Kaushik once more, once they're all grown up.


Kaushik's mother dies in the story "Year's End," and his subsequent 'wandering' personality leads him to cross paths with Hema in "Going Ashore."

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