The Return of the Soldier Summary

The Return of the Soldier Summary

Kitty and her sister-in-law Jenny are talking about Kitty’s husband and Jenny’s brother Christopher, who has gone to Waterloo, to the war, and it has been already two weeks they did not hear from him.

The maid came in and informed that there a woman came and wanted to see Kitty. They descended and saw a poorly worn woman, with a frayed purse, who was acting really strange. She introduced herself – Mrs. Grey, and informed them that Christopher was ill and was in the Queen Mary Hospital. Kitty thought that this woman probably heard somewhere that her husband was at the war, and decided to earn some money by bringing the news. She did not believe the visitor, as she knew that if something had happened to Chris, the War Office would have informed her at once.

But then Mrs. Grey told that she knew Chris fifteen years ago, and that he was a friend of the family. But he is seriously ill, he has lost his memory as still thought he knew her, and thought of himself as of fifteen years ago. Kitty could not believe all this. Then the woman showed the telegram, which was sent to her old home and addressed to her maid’s name – Margaret Allington. She also said that there was a letter as well. Kitty wanted to see the letter, but Margaret ran away from the house saying that Kitty would not understand.

Next day Jenny received the letter from her cousin Frank, a clergyman, who informed her that had received a note from Chris. Frank went to him at once, and soon understood that Chris had lost his memory, everything that had happened during last fifteen years had been erased from his head. Chris continued talking about Margaret Allington, that he loved her and wanted to marry her. Frank told him that Chris was not twenty-one but thirty-six years old. The news astonished Chris, but after having looked into the mirror, he understood that it was true. Frank asked Jenny to make Kitty ready for the changes.

In few days Chris returned home. He did not recognize Kitty, and Jenny seemed to him old. It was a strange dinner, they were talking, but Chris was interested in the things that a twenty-year-old boy might be interested in. At the table he asked Kitty to forgive him, but he would die if he had not seen Margaret Allington. Kitty said that she lived not far from them and she, Kitty, would send a car for her the next day. With a bitterness in her face Kitty left the room.

Chris and Jenny sat at the fireplace and Chris told his story of love with Margaret. He fell in love with her at the first sight and could not live without her. The last day he remembered was the happiest in his life, he spent it with her.

Next morning Jenny went to get Margaret. She lived in a poor house, and her husband was a gardener. Margaret also wanted to see Chris, so agreed to come. In the car Jenny asked her to tell her side of the story and wanted to know why they had parted. The reason for their break up was a stupid one, Chris had been jealous of her to her friend. They said harsh words to one another and since then never saw each other. Her father soon died, so she had to sell the inn, and left. After years she returned to the place of her childhood and there she was handed ten letters from Chris. She did not read them, as considered it unfair to her husband. But when the telegram from Chris came, she could not stand, and read all the letters.

Jenny remembered this summer of fifteen years ago, and the very evening of their break up. But only now she realized why Chris was so upset. This evening his father also sent him to Mexico on business, and next morning Chris left.

When they arrived to the house, Chris was bowing on the pond. Margaret went right to him, and Jenny went to the house. She found Kitty in the nursery of their child (the child was dead long ago), and said that the woman had come. Kitty looked into the window and saw those two hugging in the garden.

Margaret came time after time and tried to do her best in treating Chris as she considered him seriously ill. Many doctors came to see the patient but could not do anything.

One day they were waiting for a next doctor and Jenny led Margaret upstairs to do her hair. They entered Jenny’s room and Margaret saw a photo of a little boy. Jenny that that it was Kitty and Chris’s son Oliver, he died five years ago. Margaret was very upset because she also had lost her son of the same age five years ago.

When they were talking with the doctor he continued asking what might be that Chris was unsatisfied with his life, because if there was something he wanted to forget the shock experienced in the war might have stimulate this wish and he had lost his memory. Kitty said that he was happy, he had a lot of money and there was nothing for him to care about.

Margaret brought an idea to remind him of his lost son. Doctor was astonished that nobody told him that the patient had lost the son and Kitty said she thought it was not significant. They agreed that Chris should know and it was Margaret who should tell him.

Margaret and Jenny went up to the Oliver’s nursery and Margaret was simply impressed by the richness of it, there was everything that a child might want. But suddenly Margaret started weeping and said Jenny that it was unfair to ruin Chris’s happiness – as he was young and happy now. After some consideration Margaret decided to tell him as truth is truth and nothing would change it. She went to him to the garden where he was near the pond.

Kitty and Jenny were looking from the window and when they saw Chris approaching the house he was, as Jenny said, “every inch a soldier”. He was cured.

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