The Path of Daggers

The Path of Daggers Analysis

The Path of Daggers is a fantasy novel written by American author Robert Jordan, and was first published by Tor Books on October 20, 1998. The book is the eighth in his Wheel of Time series and was preceded by A Crown of Swords (1996).

The book follows on from the previous novel, with Rand al'Thor attempting to fight back against the Seanchan invasion and the Asha'man traitors. Meanwhile, Elayne Trakand and her crew attempt to reverse the Dark One’s effects on the world by using the ‘Bowl of the Winds', while also trying to avoid the Seanchan’s.

The book was extremely well received with SFX stating that it was “A fantasy phenomenon” and the New York Times stating that "Robert Jordan's work has been a formative influence and an inspiration for a generation of fantasy writers." The book is followed by Winter's Heart , which was released on November 7, 2000.

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