The Elegance of the Hedgehog Irony

The Elegance of the Hedgehog Irony

Captivating Activities

Renee names her housework duties “captivating activities.” Of course, the reader understands that this description is ironic; the woman is worn out with her everyday routine of serving others, but Renee shows here that these are such habitual actions for her that she doesn’t complain about them. She simply mocks her responsibilities.

A Civilized Noble Savage

Kakuro names Renee “a civilized noble savage”; thus, he opens all her essence, one side of which deeply conflicts with the other. Kakuro clearly sees that Renee actually has a deep inner world. She pretends to be rude and primitive, but actually she is a lady to the marrow of her bones, and only Kakuro notices this dignity in the woman’s savage appearance.

True Friendship Between a Poor Concierge and a Rich Man

The author ironically depicts the friendship between two people from absolutely different worlds and with different statuses. What is the most uncommon is that this friendship is true and sincere. Thus, the author shows that it doesn’t matter what status, financial potentialities, and social opportunities people have; if their hearts and outlooks are similar, they can become true soulmates.

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