The Danish Girl Metaphors and Similes

The Danish Girl Metaphors and Similes

The Tower of Rundetårn

The imagery of the tower of Rundetårn as it rises into the sky is made apparent through the narrator's employment of a simile. In more concrete terms, the narrator compares, in Einar's perspective, the tower of Rundetårn to an enormous brick chimney. In this sense, its massive and imposing stature is conceivable. The narrator notes: "Through the window, Einar could see the tower of the Rundetårn, like an enormous brick chimney…"

The studio's ceiling

The ceiling of the apartment's front room, which also serves as a studio, is presented in terms that evoke an image of its appearance. Unambiguously, the ceiling's ribbed appearance with beams and its vaulted appearance are all emphasized through their comparison to a dory. In this way, the narrator enhances imagery: "The front room of the apartment served as their studio. Its ceiling was ribbed with thin beams and vaulted like an upside-down dory."

The appearance of the stockings

The narrator presents the appearance of the stockings folded neatly in squares in the point of view of Einar through a simile. In this sense, imagery is enhanced by comparing the stockings to a patch of flesh while indirectly alluding to their color. The narrator notes: "Folded neatly into a square, the stockings looked to Einar like a patch of flesha patch of Greta's skin, brown from a summer holiday in Menton."

Einar's face

The image of Einar's face is enhanced through the narrator's use of a simile. As Einar begins wondering what his wife's thoughts were, the narrator notes how resentment begins ripening beneath his face, "which was pale and smooth and quite like the skin of a white peach." This comparison thus adds an emphasis on Einar's pale face.

The hairs bursting through the silk

The hairs bursting through the smooth silk worn by Einar, particularly their imagery, are enhanced through the narrator's use of a simile. The narrator compares these hairs to the tiny hard fuzz on a bean, which enhances the reader's conceptualization of the same: "He looked down at his shins, the silk smooth except for a few hairs bursting through like the tiny hard fuzz on a bean."

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