Stranger than Fiction


  • Will Ferrell as Harold Crick, an IRS agent who starts hearing Eiffel's voice narrating his life
  • Maggie Gyllenhaal as Ana Pascal, a baker who is being audited by Crick and begins to fall in love with him
  • Dustin Hoffman as Professor Jules Hilbert, a literature expert advising Crick
  • Queen Latifah as Penny Escher, an assistant who helps authors finish their works
  • Emma Thompson as Karen Eiffel, an author known for killing the protagonists in her novels, but has been suffering from writer's block
  • Tony Hale as Dave, Crick's friend from his work
  • Tom Hulce as Dr. Cayly
  • Linda Hunt as Dr. Mittag-Leffler, a psychologist whom Crick sees in hopes of solving his narration problem
  • Kristin Chenoweth as Book Channel Host

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