Red Sky at Morning

Red Sky at Morning Analysis

This novel is primarily about adapting to change. The protagonist Josh and his mother Ann are forced to relocate from their home in Alabama to a small town in New Mexico, after Josh's father volunteers to join the U.S. Navy. Both characters struggle with the transition of moving, however Josh eventually finds his feet. It is interesting to think about how these two characters react to this change differently. Josh's mother dwells on the negatives, complaining about the food, residents and culture of Sagrado. On the other hand, Josh fully embraces his new life, and ultimately meets amazing people and learns some important life lessons.

The main reason these two characters react differently is due to their attitude. While Josh is open to new experiences and is keen to understand and get involved in a new culture, Josh's mum is intolerant and racist. As a result, Josh's mum never truly integrates into the community, and she becomes depressed and dependent on alcohol. As such, Bradford suggests that in order to be happy, we must be accepting of others.

This novel is also about adapting to change in a wider sense, as it is set during World War II. This time of history was tumultuous and chaotic, and many people had to adjust to a new way of life. Josh's father leaves the family home to participate in the war, which is something many families had to deal with during World War II. Additionally, families had to deal with the loss of their loved ones.

Finally, this novel is a coming-of-age story, following Josh from the beginning of the novel to his maturity at the end of the novel. His father's absence accelerates his maturation, and at the end of the novel we see Josh take responsibility for things his father would usually do, such as selling the Alabama home and running the family shipyard business. Josh also supports his mother as she struggles with mental health problems.

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