
Reamde Analysis

Reamde by Neal Stephenson is a 2011 suspense novel that comes under the category of Technothriller, an amalgam of science-fiction, spy fiction, and action thriller. Reamde explores the story of Zula and Robert Forthrast, niece and uncle, as they navigate a web of Russian mobsters, ransomeware hackers and Islamic terrorists.

One of the most noticeable things about Reamde is its length. Reamde has more than 1000 pages and is detailed enough to spawn a universe of its own. But, what really needs to be assessed is the relevance of all the exposition. Much of the novel is contributed in the gaming universe of T'rain, which constitutes as a link between all the characters and the events. The transition of theme from espionage to terrorism is shaky and is dependent upon a coincidence, in a very ex machina fashion.

The infodump is certainly questionable with a few sub-plots, whose removal wouldn't really have made any impact on the story or its pace.

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