Fire and Blood

Fire and Blood Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Aegon the Conqueror take control of the seven kingdoms of Westeros?

    Aegon is able to take control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros with the help of dragons and his fair treatment of his former enemies. He uses his dragon Balerion, nicknamed the Black Dread, to easily crush the defenses of his enemies. When fighting Harren Hoare, he scorches his famously fortified castle, Harrenhall, killing him and his army. At the same time, he shows great mercy to those who pledge loyalty to him. When Torrhen Stark bends the knee to Aegon to avoid Northern casualties, Aegon accepts him and makes sure that none of the swords he and his men surrender are bent or twisted. In this way, Aegon is able to both seize power and maintain it through force and diplomacy.

  2. 2

    What style is the book written in?

    In contrast to the novels of the Song of Ice and Fire series, Fire and Blood is written as a chronicle of Targaryen rule. As a result it is written in a very informative way, narrating events in summary from the perspective of a maester named Gyldayn. For this reason, the scenes depicted are reported from various sources. There is little dialogue, and there are long tangents providing backstory. The book is more concerned with portraying a period of time than it is with giving a conclusive narrative arc.

  3. 3

    How is the Dance of the Dragons portrayed in the book?

    The civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons is portrayed as a brutal and bloody conflict with no clear victor. The war results in heavy casualties on both sides, with the notably tragic deaths of many young children in the royal families. In the end, both instigators of the conflict, Rhaenyra and Aegon II, die horribly. Rhaenyra's son, Aegon III, takes the throne but rules the realm as a grim and broken man. The Dance is ultimately framed as a tragedy with no real victor but many losses, including the eventual demise of all of the Targaryens' dragons.

  4. 4

    What is the meaning of the title?

    The title has a double meaning. It refers literally to the house words of the Targaryens, but it also more broadly indicates how their rule came about. In the same way that the Iron Throne is a symbol of the conquest that Aegon's reign was founded upon, the words fire and blood indicate how the Targaryens forged their claim to power through force. The title also alludes to the fact that both fire and blood persisted in the aftermath of Aegon's initial conquest, as his descendants vied for power, suppressed revolution, and ruled the realm.

  5. 5

    What kind of ruler is Aegon III?

    Aegon is portrayed as a moderately effective king, hoping to heal the divisions in the realm. However, he spends much of his time brooding, as he is deeply scarred by the events of the Dance. His reserved and somber countenance makes it difficult for lords, ladies, and the "smallfolk" to get to know or like him. He has a balanced view on many matters, but his coldness makes it difficult for him to be diplomatic or kind.