Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone Imagery

Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone Imagery

Lucy’s Instagram Post versus Reality

Lucy gives the impression that she is successful based on what she posts on Instagram. Ernest writes, "according to her post on Instagram, [the car] was a freebie reward from the program. I knew that it was actually just a lease, and the gifted component was merely a monthly contribution." Ernest knows that the car is not utterly free; Lucy must pay mostly to use it. She gives an image that she is prosperous, yet in reality, she is not. Content posted on Instagram, especially that which depicts prosperity, is mostly for showing off. Images of affluence posted on social media do not reflect real-life success.

Audrey (Ernest and Michael’s Mother)

Audrey epitomizes adaptability based on the roles that she plays. Ernest narrates, “Being a mother to fatherless boys is no small feat. Audrey had been amorphous: the prison warden, the snitch inmate, the bribe-taking guard, and the compassionate parole officer all rolled into one.” This portrayal underlines Audrey’s weaknesses and strengths. She is an imperfect woman who strives to mother her sons well after her husband’s death.

The Entry of Marcelo

After the death of Ernest and Michael's father, their mother moves on by marrying Marcelo. Marcelo has been a constant presence in the family's life. Ernest recounts, "Marcelo had been my father's lawyer before he started his corporate firm and had taken to hanging around after Dad's death, I assumed because he felt sorry for mum." Marcelo manages to break into the family's bubble because he is familiar with them. He smoothly transitions from being their father's lawyer to being their stepfather. Audrey convinces her sons to accept Marcelo and his daughter into their bubble of a family.

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