Princeton University

I was born May 10, 1987, the third child in my family. I enjoyed the title of "the youngest" for exactly 754 days (and 3 hours) until I lost the coveted title on June 2, 1989 when my brother and sister were born. I now hold the often-detested...

Princeton University

Of course, the preliminary criteria for a roommate is someone who won't leave half-eaten food and wadded-up paper and underwear all over the floor, who won't blast AC/DC at 2 a.m. and who won't invite her new boyfriend over to spend the night. But...

Princeton University

My French teacher, a die-hard fan of existentialism, assigned Camus' L'etranger last year. I went into the book apprehensively, but came out enthralled. It was not the story linea man condemned for refusing to live by society's rules--nor the dark...

Princeton University

In my opinion, something which should be given a lot of weight in an application is the student's involvement in his or her community, whether it is in school or outside of school. Being involved in the community encompasses many things, from...

Rice University

"Mommy! I can't find it!" My chubby hands flew up in frustration as my blankets and bed sheets tumbled on down, creating an incriminatingly prominent heap on the floor.

"Find what?" Faithfully her characteristic scent of jasmine with a touch of...

Bryn Mawr College

"Angelina, you're 18 going on 45" - that's my best friend, Bailey's, favorite expression. What most people don't understand, though, is that those qualities of mine that make me seem older are simply the result of a rather unusual upbringing. Of...

Smith College

The city spoke softly to me in cool, cosmopolitan tones. It invited me to explore each avenue full of boutiques. It dared me to bite into each warm, fresh croissant from the boulangeries that I passed. It pulled me through the bustling streets...

Stanford University

"Don't be such a wimp, just jump!" I glanced up to see the smirking face of a blonde riding the chairlift above me. For the past five minutes, I had sat perched atop a fifteen-foot boulder directly under Snake Creek chairlift, snowboard strapped...

Stanford University

I shuddered. Chills raced down my spine. My arms and legs were suddenly covered in goose bumps. I read the quote once again. âTo leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know...

Stanford University

"Pre-calculus is much harder then calculus, and if you can make it through pre-calculus, you will breeze through calculus." This is my math teacher, Mrs. Croft's, favorite statement. Until I took calculus, I never believed her. I walked into...

Stanford University

I love to play the violin, but I hate to practice it. I dislike what I consider to be the mundane but difficult process of going over each passage or line individually, trying to make each note perfect while still developing the piece as a whole....

Duke University

Nothing better epitomizes today's motto of learning than Aristotle's analysis of education, "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." It seems that the fruits of education have bloomed even greater and sweeter than ever before....

Stanford University

The hum of the centrifuge sharpened to an insistent whine, clicking softly as the safety lock disengaged. I collected my vial and reached for the pipette -- that sixth extension of my hand. My fingers shook slightly, but I was careful not to drop...

Stanford University

The dust billowed down, coating my face and the inside of my lungs as I ran. Ahead, Heartbreak Hill seemed to stretch into blue infinity. My senses deadened by fatigue, I almost missed hearing the voices. They grew louder and louder and suddenly I...

Stanford University

Hey roomy, come to the local chili festival this weekend! I had a blast there two summers ago -- and not only as a chili aficionado. Let me explain. I was a Palo Alto Fire Explorer in high school, so during the summer I staffed first aid stations...

Stanford University

Quotes are like songs and musical tunes. You can remember and repeat only the really good ones. For some reason, they stay in your head and play over and over again after you have found the perfect one. Like songs, quotes can be stuck in different...

Stanford University

I used to be "Daddy's little girl." Because I dropped into the world in between my genius, future-Nobel-prize-winner sister and my attention-needy baby brother, my mom never had enough time in between attending math competitions on the weekends...

Stanford University

It is the usual hot, sticky day in the streets of Dhaka. You look in any direction, and you see people bustling about with business, family, or other important matters. I was in one of the seemingly endless number of rickshaws next to my...

Stanford University

This past year has been replete with indelible memories for me; there have been moments that have temporarily frozen my consciousness, and times that have called for deep introspection, all stemming from my father's unexpected battle with a...

Stanford University

You can use your enormous privilege and opportunity to seek purely private pleasure and gain. But history will judge you, and ultimately, you will judge yourself, on the extent to which you have used your gifts to enlighten and enrich the lives of...

Stanford University

"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." Harvey Milk

I am a martyr. I am passionate. I recognize the fact that I mean so little, but can do so much. I came across this quote in June of this year, and it...

Stanford University

As we all piled onto the aging tweed sofa, my dad struggled to get the fancy new VCR to work while my mom, my brother Jacob, and I continued to stare vacantly at the blank screen. It was Christmas Eve, 2001, and we were settling in to watch a...

Stanford University

A successful movie producer named Samuel Goldwyn once said, "Luck is the sense to recognize an opportunity and the ability to take advantage of it." As I read this quote recently in a magazine article, I immediately thought of the Manitou Springs...

Stanford University

The Pennsylvania Governor's School for Global Entrepreneurship was the most eye-opening experience of my life. In the five weeks I was at Governor's School I learned more about the world than I could ever learn in a high school classroom. With...