Princeton University

To be given a year to spend as one chooses is clearly an unreasonable expectation, but for the sake of hypothetical situations I would say that I would spend that time around Russia's monasteries, helping rebuild those that a rise in awareness is...

Princeton University

When my family decided to move to the United States I was ten years old and thought little more of it other than to regret that I'd be leaving a city that I loved, a school I enjoyed attending, and the friends I'd acquired over four years. Because...

University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

It was 11:30 on a chilly Thursday night, and I was taking a brief stroll through my neighborhood. My mind swarmed with overwhelming thoughts concerning school, parents, and most of all, the college application. I had been tirelessly trying to...

Northwestern University

I laugh when people say that they wonder about the meaning of life. I ask them, what will you do with it once you find it? I then tell them, find a purpose behind your own life before seeking to explain all human existence.

My friend was astonished...

Harvard University

"The events in our lives happen in a sequence in time, but in their significance they find their own order - the continuous thread of revelation." Eudora Welty

What happened to our family was a bringing together, a meshing, a melting of histories,...

Harvard University

This past summer, like many previous summers, I spent in Russia, or what my friends jokingly refer to as "the motherland." To the surprise of the most sheltered of my acquaintances, I returned neither Communist nor raped, but enriched and aware. I...

Boston University

I'm the last one into the room. I was busy responding to an "I remember you" from Airianna, a five-year-old girl I had tutored a few weeks ago. I remembered her too; remembered how much I had liked her name, remembered getting none of her work...

Boston College

I can remember as a little kid that when someone would get hurt on the playground, everyone would get upset at the sight of blood. Unlike everyone else, I would be the first to offer to bring them to the nurse and sit with them as the nurse...

Georgetown University

The exponential increase of the population at a global level is an alarming reality that merits the attention not only of those countries which are most struggling with the burden of a heightened population increase, but the worldwide community....

University of Wisconsin - Madison

I know University of Wisconsin- Madison is right for me. At a school like University of Wisconsin I can not only succeed and flourish as a student, but even help contribute. Wisconsin can also offer me everything that a serious yet excited student...