A View From the Bridge

Characters and cast

Notable casts

Character Broadway West End Broadway Revival West End Revival Broadway Revival Broadway Revival London Revival Broadway Revival
1955 1956 1983 1987 1997 2010 2014 2015
Eddie Carbone Van Heflin Anthony Quayle Tony Lo Bianco Michael Gambon Anthony LaPaglia Liev Schreiber Mark Strong
Beatrice Eileen Heckart Megs Jenkins Rose Gregorio Elizabeth Bell Allison Janney Jessica Hecht Nicola Walker
Catherine Gloria Marlow Mary Ure Saundra Santiago Suzan Sylvester Brittany Murphy Scarlett Johansson Phoebe Fox
Alfieri J. Carrol Naish Michael Gwynne Robert Prosky Stephen Spinella Michael Cristofer Michael Zegen
Marco Jack Warden Ian Bannen Alan Feinstein Michael Simkins Adrian Rawlins Corey Stoll Russell Tovey
Rodolpho Richard Davalos Brian Bedford James Hayden Adrian Rawlins Adam Trese Morgan Spector Richard Hansell
Louis David Clarke Richard Harris Stephen Mendillo Russell Dixon Gabriel Olds Robert Turano
Mike Tom Pedi Normal Mitchell John Shepard Joan Arthur Daniel Serafini-Sauli Joe Ricci
Tony Antony Vorno Ralph Nossek Paul Perri Paul Todd Mark Zeisler Matthew Montelongo
Officer 1 Curt Conway John Stone Ramon Ramos Allan Mitchell John Speredakos Anthony DeSando Thomas Michael Hammond
Officer 2 Ralph Bell Colin Rix James Vitale Simon Coady Christian Lincoln Marco Verna


  • Eddie Carbone - A Longshoreman who is married to Beatrice while pining for his niece Catherine.
  • Beatrice - The warm and caring wife of Eddie Carbone and aunt of Catherine.
  • Catherine - Catherine is a beautiful, smart, young Italian girl who is very popular among the boys in the community.
  • Alfieri - An Italian-American lawyer. Alfieri is the narrator of the story.
  • Marco - Marco is a hard-working Italian cousin to Beatrice. He is a powerful, sympathetic leader.
  • Rodolpho - Beatrice's young, blonde cousin from Italy. Rodolpho prefers singing jazz to working on the ships. He loves cooks, sews and loves to dance.
  • Louis - A Longshoreman and friend of Eddie's. Louis hangs out with Mike outside Eddie's home.
  • Mike - A Longshoreman and friend of Eddie's. Mike is often seen with Louis outside the Carbone home.
  • Tony - A friend of the Carbones. He assists Marco and Rodolpho off the ship and brings them safely to Beatrice's home.
  • Two Immigration Officers - Two officers from the Immigration Bureau who comes to look for Marco and Rodolpho at Eddie's request.

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