
On the first day of school, the students in Auggie’s class have to think of two things they want other people to know about them. What do the two things they choose reveal about: Julian, Charlotte and Auggie? (pp.42-44)

On the first day of school, the students in Auggie’s class have to think of two things they want other people to know about them. What do the two things they choose reveal about Julian, Charlotte, and Auggie? (pp.42-44)

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From the text:

"Oh, okay. So my name is Julian. And the number one thing I'd like to tell everyone about myself is that . . . I just got Battleground Mystic for my Wii and it's totally awesome. And the number two thing is that we got a Ping-Pong table this summer."

"Oh, sure." Charlotte didn't hesitate for even a second, like she knew exactly what she wanted to say. "My name is Charlotte. I have two sisters, and we just got a new puppy named Suki in July. We got her from an animal shelter and she's so, so cute!"

"My name is August," I said louder, forcing myself to look up. "I, um . . . have a sister named Via and a dog named Daisy. And, um . . . that's it."

