Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?

How do the ambiguous comments in the beginning of Arnold and Connie’s confrontation, such as “…the words meant something to her that she did not yet know,” foreshadow how the story will end?


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How do the ambiguous comments in the beginning of Arnold and Connie’s confrontation, such as “...the words meant something to her that she did not yet know,” foreshadow how the story will end

How is Connie’s longing for her father’s return an example of situational irony? Does she also long for her mother?

Identify Oates’s use of symbolism throughout the story. What might Arnold Friend represent?

How does Connie view the idea of love? Is it a realistic portrayal? Why or why not?

Why is the setting of the story significant? How does Oates create tension throughout the story?

How is Connie’s behavior typical of most teens? How does it differ?

How does Oates effectively use point of view to communicate the character of Connie to the reader?

In what ways has Connie’s view of the world and of herself been shaped by her “culture”? What elements of the setting help the reader to form an opinion about the culture Connie lives in?

Joyce Carol Oates releases certain details of Connie’s and Arnold’s character slowly throughout their encounter, building tension and fear throughout. How do the details released reflect this ever increasing tension between them? Identify some of the ominous details in the story that foreshadow a tragic end for Connie. What are some of the weapons that Arnold Friend uses against Connie?

Did Connie leave on her own free will? Why or why not?