Touching Spirit Bear

Describe Cole

describe cole and how he changed during the begining and the end of the story

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When we first meet Cole, he is an angry teenager, who has spent his life in an abusive home life. He has no friends, he is a bully, and he is also a thief. Cole cares about nothing but himself..... and in reality, he doesn't even care about himself. When face with going to jail, Cole is given the opportununity to participate in Circle Justice. He agrees to spend a year alone on an island, but in reality, he has no intention of doing so. Once on the island, Cole continue to act selfishly. He tried to escape, he treats the men who are trying to help him with contempt, and he almost loses his life because of his neverending anger. After attacking the Spirit Bear, who goes onto almost kill him, Cole agrees to return to the island after months in rehabilitation. After his return, he is determined to make his time on the island worthwhile, though he continues to hold onto his anger. The process is long and difficult, but over time, he learns to let go of his anger and begin the process of forgiveness.


Touching Spirit Bear