To Kill a Mockingbird

Why do you think Harper Lee points out the mockingbird at the beginning of chapter 28? What inferences does the author want the reader to conclude?


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The mockingbird remains a constant  symbol throughout the book. Chapter 28 certainly brings out one mockingbird-figure later that night. Boo is known as the "manevolent phantom". Much of the town thinks he is a freak show but, in reality, he is a gentle soul who knows about the goings on in Maycomb. Boo turns out to be the kids' (Scout and Jem) guardian angel. He seeks to befriend them the only way he knows how and eventually rescues them from Bob Ewell. Should word of Boo's heroics get out, the publicity would kill him. Boo would not be able to handle an endless stream of church ladies trying to save him and reporters who want a piece of him. Like killing a mockingbird (whose goodness is to simply sing), the goodness in Boo would be suffocated.