To Kill a Mockingbird

What does Scout tell us about the Cunninghams?

Hello everyone I do not feel like reading or listening to kill a mockingbird so I would like some help with this question. this is from chapter 2 btw

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Scout explains that the Cunninghams don't accept other people's help, and just try to get by with what little they have. Scout mentally recollects how Mr. Cunningham, when entailed, repaid Atticus for his legal services by giving the Finch family hickory nuts, stove wood, and other farm produce. The Cunninghams are farmers who don't have actual money now that the Depression is on. Many professionals in the town charge their country clients in farm produce rather than monetary currency. When Scout explains that Walter can't pay back the lunch money Miss Caroline offered, the teacher taps Scout's hand with a ruler and makes her stand in the corner of the room.


To Kill a Mockingbird