To Kill a Mockingbird

was tom robinson testified?

was tom robinson testified?

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Last updated by Raenae Rosenberg F #1251166
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I'm not sure what you mean by "testified". He did "testify" in court.

He did "testify" in court.

He did "testify" in court.

yeah, he was testified.

Yes, Tom was testified at the trial.

Tom was testified at the trial. You see, Tom R. wasn't the one who "raped" Mayella but the Judge says they found Tom guilty. The verdict. I didn't think Tom was gonna get killed until my eyes fell upon the words "killed". I actually burst into tears and told my mother. She said, "Charlotte dear, you're fine. You've seen the movie plenty of times, and nothing should be sad." She wiped my tears off and I instantly felt better after that.


Movie Book Reading Log

Tom was testified at the trial. You see, Tom R. wasn't the one who "raped" Mayella but the Judge says they found Tom guilty. The verdict. I didn't think Tom was gonna get killed until my eyes fell upon the words "killed". I actually burst into tears and told my mother. She said, "Cynthia dear, you're fine. You've seen the movie plenty of times, and nothing should be sad." She wiped my tears off and I instantly felt better after that.

Tom was testified at the trial. You see, Tom R. wasn't the one who "raped" Mayella but the Judge says they found Tom guilty. The verdict. I didn't think Tom was gonna get killed until my eyes fell upon the words "killed".

En serio la gente? Encuentra tus propias respuestas.

, Tom Robinson è stato testimoniato. Hanno trovato colpevole di aver violentato la figlia di Bob E. così lo misero in carcere / tribunale per essere testimoniato.

Yes he did testify at the trial.

I think so, yep.