To Kill a Mockingbird

To kill a mockingbird, give 2 examples from chapters 12-17 of similes and metaphors and explain the comparisons and what the writer expects the reader to inder

As you read chapters 12-17, look for two examples of similes and two examples of metaphors. In addition to locating the examples of similes and metaphors, explain the comparisons and what the writer expects the reader to infer.

Thank yoou!!!

Please help me, i dont get it at all! I need answers

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We usually do not go looking for figurative text in the chapters. A simile is any comparison using the words "like or as". A simile is “Bob Ewell is like a swine (pig)” A metaphor is a direct comparison like, "Bob Ewell is a swine". Take a look at your text and you should be able to find them.