To Kill a Mockingbird

The last line of Chapter 9 reads, " was not until many years later that I realized he wanted me to hear every word he said." Explain what Scout means and expand on Atticus' parenting style.

Explain what Scout means and expand on Atticus' parenting style

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In context, Atticus knew Scout was secretly listening, and he was speaking to her. The conversation may not have included her..... but it was meant for her.


To Kill a Mockingbird

In the conversation before this line, Scout learns just how hard it is for Atticus to take on the trial. Atticus' parenting style influences Scout because he knows that a girl growing up as a tomboy in the South during the 1930s is painful and lonely. The narrator, an aged Scout, says this, and it's because it was Atticus' way to help Scout mature and understand life.


To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee