To Kill a Mockingbird

How to write about theme of courage from chapter 15 through the events depicted in that chapter 15?????????

Theme of courage from chapter15!

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Courage is a major theme in this chapter. Let's begin with Atticus. In Chapter 15, Atticus's stance at the door of the jail is symbolic of his role throughout the book. Atticus doesn't hold a gun or any other weapon, but carries only a book. He is determined to guard the basic human rights of Tom and all others by using his knowledge and experience in law. With his high morals, Atticus will not lower himself to the violent measures used by others, even for his own self-defense. Then there Jem's refusal to leave his father's side in the face of the mob. Much like his father he is vulnerable in terms of physical strength but his ideals and conviction are similar to his father's. Then there is Scout who courageously disarms the heated situation by appealing to the humanity in Mr. Cinningham. Together the Finch family define courage in this chapter.
