To Kill a Mockingbird

How does scouts internal conflict affect her actions in chapter 5?

Analyze conflict

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I think Scout has a definite sense that it is wrong to play games at the expense of Boo. Initially she is reluctant to try to pass Boo a message using a fishing line. She feels pressured by Jem and Dill despite her nagging conscience. When Atticus catches them, he put into words what Scout has been feeling all along. He tells her that Boo has a right to his privacy and the right not to be entertainment for children.

What is the conflict and effects on scout and the potential changes to scout later

Scout has a very friendly nature. She looks around the angry mob and fins a familiar face, Mr. Cunningham, her close friend Walter Cunningham"s father. She asks him about his entailments which her father had once told her. She also says him to say "hello" to Walter. Scout's main intention was to make Mr. Cunningham her nice friend. Finally she succeeded and he agrees to say "hello"to Walter. Then he orders his men to clear out and they go away in their ramshakle cars.. In this way, Scout calmed the angry mob. Scout could best do this work because of her innocence and friendly nature. She had an attractive nature and she talked so friendly that it made me think that Harper Lee did good to make Scout do this job.

To Kill a Mocking Bird.