To Kill a Mockingbird

How does Atticus' definition of courage foreshadow upcoming events?

chapter 11

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Atticus states that he doesn't expect to win Tom's case for no other reason than it is a case of a white man's word against an African-American. Not to mention, the charge is rape. Atticus foreshadows the verdict, but he does everything he can to prove himself wrong.


To Kill a Mockingbird/ Chapter 11

Atticus states that he doesn't expect to win Tom's case for no other reason than it is a case of a white man's word against an African-American. Not to mention, the charge is rape. Atticus foreshadows the verdict, but he does everything he can to prove himself wrong.

I agree...

Atticus followed through with the case even though he knew he probibly wasn't going to win. And he ended up not winning.