To Kill a Mockingbird

Does the African-American community in Maycomb visibly acknowledge the fact that Atticus has taken their side?

Does the African-American community in Maycomb visibly acknowledge the
fact that Atticus has taken their side?

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From the text:

The kitchen table was loaded with enough food to bury the family: hunks of salt pork, tomatoes, beans, even scuppernongs. Atticus grinned when he found a jar of pickled pigs’ knuckles. “Reckon Aunty’ll let me eat these
in the diningroom?”

Calpurnia said, “This was all ‘round the back steps when I got here this morning. They—they ’preciate what you did, Mr. Finch. They—they aren’t oversteppin‘ themselves, are they?”

Atticus’s eyes filled with tears. He did not speak for a moment. “Tell them I’m very grateful,” he said. “Tell them—tell them they must never do this again. Times are too hard...”


To Kill a Mockingbird