To Kill a Mockingbird

Contrast scouts first day of school with her experience with learning at home . Explain how this contrast might reveal the authors point of view on formal education at the time

Contrast scouts first day of school with her experience with learning at home . Explain how this contrast might reveal the authors point of view on formal education at the time

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Scout's first day of school was filled with disappointments. She is admonished for her ability to read and considered forward for attempting to fill her teach in on Maycomb society. In Miss. Carolines eyes, Scout shouldn't be able to read, and she certainly should be able to print her letters, let alone write in script. The fact that she can means she must have been taught wrong.

At home, Scout is encouraged rather than forbidden. Scout reads along with her father, who enjoys spending time with her. Calpunia makes writing in script rainy day fun. Learning is just something you do..... it comes from curiousity and observation.


To Kill a Mockingbird