Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)
why george face changes as he come to know that real truth about shirt?
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George thought the fact that the shirt had fallen into the cold, morning water was funny...... until he realized it was HIS shirt.
"It isn't my shirt—it's yours." I never saw a man's face change from lively to
severe so suddenly in all my life before.
'What!" he yelled, springing up. "You silly cuckoo ! Why can't you be more careful what you 're doing ? Why the deuce don't you go and dress on the bank? You're not fit to be in a boat, you're not. Gimme the hitcher."
I tried to make him see the fun of the thing, but he could not. George is very dense at seeing a joke sometimes."
Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)