Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)
three men in a boat
what were the differences between harris and the narrator regarding the tombs ?
what were the differences between harris and the narrator regarding the tombs ?
Harris enjoyed visiting cemeteries and looking at the tombstones. This passtime held no attraction for Jerome (J).
I objected. I don’t know whether it is that I am built wrong, but I never did seem to hanker after tombstones myself. I know that the proper thing to do, when you get to a village or town, is to rush off to the churchyard, and enjoy the graves; but it is a recreation that I always deny myself. I take no interest in creeping round dim and chilly churches behind wheezy old men, and reading epitaphs. Not even the sight of a bit of cracked brass let into a stone affords me what I call real happiness.