Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)

Discuss the narrator's view on day and night?

Chapter-6 of novel

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Jerome loves the light and beauty of nature but finds it too lonesome after the sun goes down. Thus, he prefers the city with its light and constant action to the country.

We love light and life. That is why we crowd into the towns and cities, and the country grows more and more deserted every year. In the sunlight — in the daytime, when Nature is alive and busy all around us, we like the open hill-sides and the deep woods well enough: but in the night, when our Mother Earth has gone to sleep, and left us waking, oh! the world seems so lonesome, and we get frightened, like children in a silent house. Then we sit and sob, and long for the gas-lit streets, and the sound of human voices, and the answering throb of human life.


Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)