Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)

Bring out the comic element of Harris's character giving instances from the novel

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J. and George tend to scapegoat Harris whenever anything goes wrong on the trip. This has a comic effect, but it also highlights their own hypocrisy, since they are often guilty of the same mistakes of which they accuse Harris. Ironically, J.'s insults reveal more about himself than they do about Harris. J. repeatedly returns to the theme of Harris being uncouth and uncreative, which shows that J. prizes these qualities in his own personality (even though readers can tell that they are not truly present). Finally, J.'s misanthropy about Harris touches on one of the novel's primary themes: the human tendency to want what we do not have. By attacking the friend he purposefully chose to bring on the trip, J. mirrors the human tendency to criticize our lot and imagine something different.

