Thirteen Reasons Why

Explain how: •The school •Hannah •Clay, all perceive (or view) Courtney Crimsen


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According to the text, Courtney is perceived as a very nice girl.

Courtney Crimsen. What a pretty name. And yes, a very pretty girl, as well. Pretty hair. Pretty smile. Perfect skin. And you’re also very nice. Everyone says so.

Hannah thought they could become friends, but she eventually came to see Courtney as a fake and someone who used people to get what she wanted.

Let me be very clear. I do not hate you, Courtney. In fact, I don’t even dislike you. But for a time, I thought you and I were becoming friends.
I don’t remember that. I don’t think I ever saw them hanging out. It turns out you were just grooming me to be another tally mark under People Who Think Courtney
Crimsen Is a Really Neat Girl.


Thirteen Reasons Why