The Valley of Fear

The Valley of fear Act 2 ,Scene 6

Scanlan:(To McMurdo) This will teach to turn our brothers out of work .They say Mr.Dunn isn't afraid of a soul alive .We'll soon see.

What does this dialouge indicate about Scanlans pesonality or character .Give reason for your answer.

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Last updated by NoorulAin . #1080560
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This will teach to turn our brothers out of work. THey say Mr.Dunn isn't afraid of a soul alie. We'll soon see.

This dialogue clearly tells that Scanlan has a challenging personality and he was willing to get his hands on anyone who has done something wrong or betrayed, and being the challenging person he is, he wants the person to fear him for not talking or doing wrong against him. He is short tempered and will get his hands or even kill someone if they are gonna do wrong with him. In short he has a challening personality, is short-tempered and doesnt care about the people around him he will do what has to be done.

I hope this helped, i am in grade 7 and myself studying this playscript right now so i decided to help a fellow student :3