The Valley of Fear

How do the Scowrers decide to tackle the issue with the editor?

How do the scowrers decide to tackle the issue with the editor?

the question releates to ACT1 scence4

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The Scowrers go to the newspaper office and beat Stanger without mercy.

He was seized before he could get farther, and his spectacles came tinkling down to McMurdo’sfeet. There was a thud and a groan. He was on
his face, and half a dozen sticks were clatteringtogether as they fell upon him. He writhed, and his long, thin limbs quivered under the blows. Theothers ceased at last; but Baldwin, his cruel face setin an infernal smile, was hacking at the man’s head,which he vainly endeavoured to defend with hisarms. His white hair was dabbled with patches of blood. Baldwin was still stooping over his victim,putting in a short, vicious blow whenever he couldsee a part exposed, when McMurdo dashed up the stair and pushed him back.


The Valley of Fear