The Valley of Fear

Answer it quickly please

Why does Holmes replace the package in the moat after finding it?What does it contain

It is from Act 2 Scene 8-11

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Holmes replaced the bundle in order to catch whoever came to retrieve it. The bundle contained a pair of American boots and clothing.

Sherlock Holmes put the sopping bundle upon the table beside the lamp and undid the cord which bound it. From within he extracted a dumb-bell, which he tossed down to its fellow in the corner. Next he drew forth a pair of boots. “American, as you perceive,” he remarked, pointing to the toes. Thenhelaiduponthetablealong,deadly,sheathed knife. Finally he unravelled a bundle of clothing, comprising a complete set of underclothes, socks, a gray tweed suit, and a short yellow overcoat.


The Valley of Fear