The Valley of Fear

Analyse the conversation between McMurdo and McGinty regarding burning Chester Wilcox’s house. What does it indicate about their personalities?


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McGinty knows the time is right to keep his enemies unstable, so he calls McMurdo over and tells him he has a job for him and two other men. McGinty then explains that the district will never be right until the businessman Chester Wilcox is dead. McMurdo wonders what the man did and why his wife and children also have to be killed. McGinty gruffly asks if he has a problem with carrying out his orders, and McMurdo says he does not. He takes a night to do reconnaissance, and gets his other two young men ready.

Two nights later, McMurdo and the two other men meet and travel to Wilcox’s house, which they blow up with a powder bag. Unfortunately for the murderers, Wilcox and his family were warned and were not there. McMurdo is furious and says he will take care of it. A few weeks later, news comes of Wilcox’s death.

McGinty's actions speak to his ruthlessness and lack of conscience. We also recognize McMurdo's reluctance, particularly, in terms of killing women and children.


The Valley of Fear