The Question

a good qoute for an essay

i need a qoute form the book of the things they carrried about speaking of courage?

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There are so many quotes dealing with fear and weakness, that these were actually hard to track down. I hope they help.

“Right then, with the shore so close, I understood that I would not do what I should do. I would not swim away from my hometown and my country and my life. I would not be brave. That old image of myself as a hero, as a man of conscience and courage, all that was just a threadbare pipe dream.” (Page 57)

“True war stories do not generalize. They do not indulge in abstraction or analysis. For example: War is hell. As a moral declaration the old truism seems perfectly true, and yet because it abstracts, because it generalizes, I can’t believe it with my stomach. Nothing turns inside. It comes down to gut instinct. A true war story, if truly told, makes the stomach believe.” (Page 78)


The Things They Carried

Wait, what quotes? From the novel, or in general?

There are so many quotes dealing with fear and weakness, that these were actually hard to track down. I hope they help.

“Right then, with the shore so close, I understood that I would not do what I should do. I would not swim away from my hometown and my country and my life. I would not be brave. That old image of myself as a hero, as a man of conscience and courage, all that was just a threadbare pipe dream.” (Page 57)

“True war stories do not generalize. They do not indulge in abstraction or analysis. For example: War is hell. As a moral declaration the old truism seems perfectly true, and yet because it abstracts, because it generalizes, I can’t believe it with my stomach. Nothing turns inside. It comes down to gut instinct. A true war story, if truly told, makes the stomach believe.” (Page 78)

1. A journy of 1,000 miles begins with one step.

2. Be the leader of tomorrow.

3. Beat yesterday.


School Discussion