The Perks of Being a Wallflower

What are the names of the new friends Charlie makes at a football game?


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Sam and Patrick....

Nothing was there at the football game, and he was one of the few people who was not an adult that was actually watching the game. I mean really watching the game. He would yell things out.
“Can’mon, Brad!” That’s the name of our quarterback.
Now, normally I am very shy, but Nothing seemed like the kind of guy you could just walk up to at a football game even though you were three years younger and not popular.
“Hey, you’re in my shop class!” He’s a very friendly person.
“I’m Charlie.” I said, not too shy.
“And I’m Patrick. And this is Sam.” He pointed to a very pretty girl next to him. And she waved to me.
“Hey, Charlie.” Sam had a very nice smile.


The Perks of Being a Wallflower