The Outsiders

The Outsiders

In chapter 2, what evidence is there in paragraphs 1-5 that the Greasers were more deeply affected by Johnny’s beating at the hands of the Socs?

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Dally's presence seems to expose an extra watch. Note, Ponyboy was jumped in Chapter One, not Johnny.

DALLY WAS WAITING for Johnny and me under the street light at the corner of Pickett and Sutton, and since we got there early, we had time to go over the drugstore in the shopping center and goof around. We bought Cokes and blew the straws at the waitress, and walked around eyeing things that were lying out in the open until the manager got wise to us and suggested we leave. He was too late, though; Dally walked out with two packages of Kools under his jacket.


The Outsiders